Loved People Love People

Some people say hurt people hurt people. If that’s true, could this also be true? Loved people love people.

What does love look like?

You’ve probably seen this picture or one like it online.  I love this picture of this older couple headed to a baseball game wearing these jerseys. 

As they walk together, you can see the words and the numbers on the back of their jersey’s aren’t the names of their favorite players or their jersey numbers.  These jerseys communicate something different.  They say, “Together Since 1952.”

together since 1952

If you look at the world around us to try and understand what love looks like, you’ll probably discover that what the world holds up as love is very fragile. 

The world says I’ll love you as long as you love me back.  The world says love is physical, attractional, and conditional.  The world says you can love pizza, football, and people but if any of those fail you in anyway, you can stop loving them and love something, or someone, else instead! 

But here’s the question, is that really what love is all about?  Is that what love looks like?  I think the couple in the picture that had been married since 1952 would disagree.

[Click here to find more posts about the great love of God.]

We entertain ourselves with TV, Movies, and music that glamorize a version of love that leaves most people broken, hurt, and alone.  And far too often we give up on any notion of a kind of love that can’t be broken, a love that is kind, a love that protects, hopes, trusts, and perseveres. 

But this is what the LOVE of God looks like. 

What does the love of God look like?

The Love of God loves us even when we don’t love Him back.  The Love of God is relational, personal, and unconditional.  The Love of God says you can love Him and you can even fail Him, but He will never stop loving you, pursuing you, and cherishing you as His son, His daughter.

This is a Different Kind of Love.  It’s a love that calls us to a higher standard.  And not only do we want to know this Love and experience this Love, we want to share this Love with those around us.

Because the love of God looks like a cross.  God loves you so much he gave His one and only Son for you so that you could have eternal life with Him. 

At just the right time, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  And on that day, on that cross, Love Won.

Let Love Win

If we want to make a difference in this world, this is how we do it, by deciding to Let Love Win in every moment, every relationship, every conflict, every tension, every day in every way… we choose the way of love.

We live in a world that says, Hurt people hurt people.  But as followers of Jesus we have discovered a new way to live, because we know this truth, Loved people love people.

And here’s the good news, I am loved.  You are loved.  We are loved.

loved people love people

And because we are loved, we don’t have to hurt those who hurt us.  We can choose to forgive.  We can choose to extend grace.  We can follow the example of Jesus and lay down our lives for those around us so that maybe just maybe they too can come to know the great love of God.

Today, let me encourage you to find a way to let love win.  To choose the way of love. 

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