corey trevathan

The lives of those that belong to God matter to God.

belong to God


The lives of those that belong to God matter to God.

Part of what we do in prayer is turn to God with life’s most difficult questions.  And our goal in prayer isn’t to get trite answers to our hard questions.  We turn to God with those questions because time spent in prayer is time spent in the presence of God.  Because we believe that those that belong to God matter to God.  Because it’s in the light of the presence of God that we believe we receive the help, the hope, the healing we need in our time of need.

And we believe that something happens when we spend time in prayer.  While we may not get answers to our tough questions, we will be transformed by spending time in the light of the presence of God.  And that transformation that is a product of time spent in the presence of God… that’s what we’re after.

Finding God…

In his book, Finding God in Unexpected Places, Phillip Yancy tells the story originally told by theologian John S. Duane of a group of early Spanish sailors who reached the continent of South America after a difficult voyage.  Their ships sailed into the headwaters of the Amazon, an expanse of water so wide the sailors presumed it to be a continuation of the Atlantic Ocean.  It never occurred to them to drink the water, since they expected it to be salt water, & as a result some of the sailors died of thirst.  That scene of men dying of thirst even as their ships floated on the world’s largest source of freshwater has become a metaphor for our age.  People are dying spiritually while all around them the God of the Universe is present, ready to help if they would #JustAsk.

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So today, remember… Christ is above you & below you.  Before you & behind you.  Christ is all around you.  Turn to Him in prayer.  Whatever you need, #JustAsk.

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