corey trevathan

Lay Your Weapons Down

lay your weapons down

The truth is, as followers of Jesus, we are not people of the sword. We are people who lay our weapons down.

On the night that Jesus was arrested Peter tried to pick up a sword & fight. He did it because he was afraid. His fear response? FIGHT! And somehow Peter cuts this guy’s ear off. Now, I don’t know how Peter did this. Was he aiming for the guys head & somehow just caught his ear? How did he cut the guys ear off without cutting the guys shoulder too? If you ever are in a sword fight & your picking teams, I’m guessing your picking Peter dead last!

[Tweet “As followers of Jesus we are not people of the sword. #Choose2Believe”]

But listen to what Jesus said to Peter…

“Put away your sword,” Jesus told him. “Those who use the sword will die by the sword. Don’t you realize I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, & he would send them instantly? But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what must happen now?”  Matthew 26.52

Put away your sword Peter.

Some of us in the room today need to hear Jesus’ words for ourselves. It’s time to put away our swords. If you really need protection, God will defend you. You don’t have to ever worry about defeat.

And oh, by the way, sometimes what looks like defeat in the eyes of the world isn’t really defeat.

When Jesus was arrested that night, the disciples first thought was defeat. What did they do? They fled. But what looked like defeat was always a part of the plan. And victory came on Sunday morning when Jesus rose from the grave.  No one had to pick up a sword to win that fight either. God did it. So lay your weapons down.

I was reminded of this song entitled “Lay Your Weapons Down” by Eddie Kirkland last week as I was convicted again that it is God who fights for us and that sometimes we need to lay our weapons down.  This song was written a few years ago & then Retro 8 Films put this thoughtful video together.  I hope it will encourage you today as a follower of Jesus.


Moment from RETRO 8 FILMS on Vimeo.


Lay Your Weapons Down
by Eddie Kirkland

It’s been the coldest year I can remember,
and the leaves just started turning brown.
So when you see my white flag waving,
would you please lay your weapons down

It’s been the hardest battle in the camp-aign
And there’s still no proof of gaining ground
So when my scars bloom like roses
Can we please lay the weapons down

Are we fighting for the same thing
or are you just gonna wear me down
Cause I don’t think I’ll make it through the Winter
If you won’t let me talk it out

It’s been the longest time I’ve gone without you
And in moments I can part the clouds
I never thought my mind could be sober
But I’ve learned to lay the lion do-wn

We’ve been fighting for the same thi-ing
and you’ve worn all my de-fenses out
I never would have made it to she-lter
If you hadn’t broken me down

It’s been a year I’d rather not remember,
but the memories where the answer’s found
I know you see my white flag waving;
Would you please lay your weapons down


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