Jesus Matters

Jesus matters.

That may go without saying but… let’s go ahead and say it out loud.

Jesus matters!

Why do we even need to talk about this?

While it may seem unnecessary, if we’re honest the evidence of our lives indicates that there are a lot of things that matter as much as if not more than Jesus. And when it comes to our kids, actions may indeed speak louder than words.

What Do They Think Matters?

It may help to think about it this way… What do my kids think matters most to me when they look at my life as a parent?

If we look at the evidence of our lives through the eyes of our kids and ask the question, we might be surprised to learn what they think matters most to us from their point of view.

From what they can see… Work matters. Sports matter. TV matters. Money matters. Amazon matters. Getting my way matters. Getting more and more and more matters. And hopefully they can see that they matter!

And yes, Jesus matters, too.

jesus matters

It’s true, there are a lot of things in this life that matter and as parents, we’ve got to keep a lot of plates constantly spinning.

But if we’re trying to raise kids with genuine faith, we want them to know that the world doesn’t revolve around our work, our money, our TV, or even our kids.

What we want them to know, what we want them to see when they look at our lives, is that everything revolves around Jesus.

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