advent jesus immanuel

Advent: Jesus Immanuel

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…”  Isaiah 9.6


Can you imagine as Mary held her baby for the first time.  As she held the Son of God in her arms.  How did she feel in that moment?  Awe.  Wonder.  Silence.  Joy.  And Joseph?  Joseph got to name the son of God.  Did you catch that wrinkle in the story?  Naming a child was an act of adoption in that day & time.  Jesus would be known by people as the son of Joseph the carpenter.  In fact, it’s through Joseph’s lineage that Jesus is from the line of David.  King David.  Joseph gets to hold this holy child & give him a name, make him his son.  So he gave him the name the angel gave him to give.  Jesus.  In Hebrew, Yeshua, literally meaning “Yahweh Saves.”  Jesus’ very name means “He Will Save His People from their Sins.”  And Immanuel, literally meaning “God with us.”

Behold.  This is Jesus.  Immanuel.  God with us.
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Abba Father, In sending us Your Son you signaled Your master plan.  In Jesus you would once again be with us.  And in Jesus you would save us, rescue us from our sin.  Thank You Holy Father for giving us your Son.  For giving Him the Name that is above every other name.  We too, when we behold Jesus are struck with awe, wonder, silence & joy.  For in the face of Jesus we see the beauty of Your incredible love & Your wonderful grace.


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