corey trevathan

Jesus: I AM the Good Shepherd

i am the good shepherd Jesus

i am the good shepherd Jesus

Which Way Do I Go?

Many years ago if you wanted to know how to get somewhere you had to go online on your computer. There were no smart phones. So you would go to a website like this one called MapQuest.  Then you had to type the address you were currently at (it didn’t automatically know your current location).  Then you had to type in your destination.

After filling out this online form, it would then give you step by step, turn by turn directions to help you get from where you were to where you wanted to go that you could print. But you still had to carry this piece of paper with you & try to read it while you were driving. If your car was anything like mine, it was littered with these pieces of paper from MapQuest because I was always lost!

Now all you have to do is talk to your phone or to your car & it will give you directions to wherever you want to go. There’s a screen in your car or at worst on your phone that will guide you step by step to get you from where you are to your desired destination. And the best part, there’s a voice that guides you the whole way!

How many of you have your navigation voice setting on a different country to give you a different accent? Some of you have it set to Britan to give you that English accent. Or Australia. Or something else.

I grew up in the deep south, in Alabama, & I’ve always thought that there should be some sort of redneck voice that could give you turn by turn directions. The good news is I think they’re about to release it. Take a look.



The voice we hear determines the direction we go.

Here’s what I know about you: The voice or the voices that you respect the most determine the direction of your life. And right or wrong, when we hear those voices we follow them. When they speak, we move.

That’s why during the Super Bowl, the cost of a 30 second ad on average was $5 million! Companies will literally spend millions in order to be heard in the hope that you will hear their message & follow the sound of their voice!

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The voices we hear, that we allow to ring the loudest in our ears, determine the direction we go. Just like a GPS. We’ll do exactly what they say.

I think the question we have to ask ourselves is simple…

What voice are we allowing to determine our direction & destination?

Jesus said…

John 10.1-5; 11

“I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber! 2 But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.  3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his VOICE and come to him. He CALLS his own sheep by NAME and LEADS them out.

Now this is interesting because the sheep recognize his voice. What’s maybe most interesting to me about shepherds is how they care for & call their sheep. Shepherds are known for singing to their sheep & caring for their sheep. And often their sheep mingle & graze in the same pasture with sheep from another flock that belong to another shepherd. And when it’s time to gather his flock, each shepherd, one at a time, will yell out a peculiar call. And at the sound of his voice, his sheep come & follow him.

But Jesus says here that he doesn’t just sound a call for his sheep to gather, but that He calls them by name. This isn’t a no name bunch of sheep. Each sheep in this flock is known personally, individually by the shepherd.

Then Jesus says…

4 After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his VOICE. 5 They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his VOICE.”

This shepherd walks ahead of the sheep. He goes before. Anywhere the sheep go, the shepherd goes there first. He’s out in front leading the way, making sure the path ahead is clear & safe & the right direction. He’s not just giving turn by turn directions. It’s like he’s in the car in front leading the way! But the reason they follow is because they know His voice & they trust his leadership.

They don’t follow strangers. They won’t do it. They don’t know his voice. They don’t trust his leading. Sheep follow what they know.

Then Jesus declares…

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11 “I am the good shepherd.”

Just follow the sound of His voice & He will lead you into the presence of God.

What voice is determining your direction & destination today?

Growing up, my dad always had this whistle. I can’t do it, but I know the sound of it. It’s this distinct sound he makes. And all my life growing up if he made that sound, I knew to turn & look. That he was trying to call me. Trying to get my attention. We could be in a busy store, or outside 100 yards from each other, or across the house… it didn’t matter, when I heard that sound it was like our secret code & when I heard it I knew to turn & look for him. And it wasn’t loud. It wasn’t harsh. It was just this distinct sound & even today if I heard that sound I would start looking for him, assuming he is somewhere in the room.

I know that sound. I trust that sound. When I hear that sound I turn & look. Because it’s the sound of my father.

Do you know the sound of your Father?

Do you know the sound of His voice?

The voice of the Good Shepherd?

Take time today to be still & listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd.  The voice of Jesus.  Hear His voice & be changed in His presence.  Let His voice determine your direction & your destination.

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