corey trevathan

What Does God Do with Broken People?

What does God do with broken people?

The apostle Paul once compared his friends in Corinth to jars of clay.  He says in 2 Corinthians 4.7, “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.”

What’s interesting is that it’s not so much about broken people & their being like fragile jars of clay. It’s what’s inside them that is absolutely amazing. Inside these fragile jars of clay there is a LIGHT shining through. For inside each one of them is a TREASURE. And the treasure is the good news that Jesus saves! The light inside shining through these jars of clay were created by the Master Potter. And even in broken, fragmented, chipped, dinged up jars of clay God is redeeming & repurposing every broken piece, putting it back together. These jars of clay aren’t discarded. They aren’t thrown away. Their purpose isn’t over. There’s more to their story. And what’s most amazing is that this light is best seen THROUGH the cracks! It’s through the brokenness of the vessel that the beauty of Jesus is seen the best!

So no matter how broken you become your story isn’t finished.  If you’ve ever looked around & wondered why your life looks more cracked up than anyone else, take heart. All that means is that you have more space for Jesus to shine through more brightly!

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What happens when a group of broken people come together each carrying the light of Jesus inside shining through? People don’t notice our brokenness. They notice Jesus. And Jesus builds broken jar on top of broken jar & he calls it His kingdom. And it is beautiful.

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July 12, 2015

MESSAGE: Jars of Clay
TEXT: 2 Corinthians 4.7

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