Hug Your Youth Minister

We’re near the end of the summer & I’d like to encourage every elder, deacon, youth worker, parent, student, etc to go hug your youth minister!  These guys work almost every day of summer & rarely if ever take a personal vacation in the summer.  Instead, they’re at summer camp, on mission trips, planning the next class, the next worship, brainstorming another creative way to communicate Christ to teenagers, counseling at Starbucks & Waffle House, thinking through the logistics of the next trip, or the next event, taking pictures, posting pictures, texting students inviting them to come to the next thing, setting up before class, cleaning up after class, writing thanking you notes, communicating with leadership teams, booking the next retreat, visiting a sick kid in the hospital, trying to stay up on youth culture & the latest Hillsong CD, trying to find time for quiet time so they can walk the walk & not just talk the talk, & the list goes on & on & on & on.  This is year round ministry, but in the summer it’s 24/7.

These guys & girls didn’t dive head first into youth ministry after college because they loved meetings, were great at handling criticism, had all the answers to teenager problems or knew how to live up to all the expectations they were about to encounter.  They got into youth ministry because they loved Jesus & they loved people.  More specifically, teenagers.  They’re not perfect.  They would be the first to confess that they’re far from it.  But they love having a front row seat to the greatest show on earth — the hand of God at work in the lives of your students.  Nothing excites these people more than being present when your son or your daughter gets it.  When it clicks — that Jesus is Lord.

And at this point in the summer, these youth ministers are excited & grateful for all God has done in their youth groups this summer.  It’s been awesome.  But their also exhausted!  They’ve allowed God to pour them out all summer long on students, interns & more.  And they could use your encouragement right now as summer winds down.

I hesitate to even write this because I don’t want it to seem as if I’m asking for this.  I’m not.  I’ve been blessed with many great encouragers & for that I’m continually & eternally grateful.  But having been in youth ministry for 15 years now allow me to pull the curtain back for you.  These guys & girls love what they do.  And may times it’s a thankless job.  May that not be true for your church.  Send words of encouragement their way.  It’ll mean more than you know.  No one sees half of what they do.  And that’s ok.  But now’s a great time to give your youth minister a hug & say THANK YOU!