Happy Birthday to My Beautiful Wife

Today I want to wish my beautiful bride a Happy Birthday!

You can too!  Click the link below to tweet her Happy Birthday!

[Tweet “Happy Birthday!  @alishalt3”]

I’m so lucky to call Alisha my wife & our kids are beyond blessed to call her mom.  I often hear guys jokingly say they “married up” or things like that when they talk about their wives, but in my case is absolutely true!

I know you’re not supposed to talk about a woman’s age, so I won’t tell you how old she is today.  But here are 37 reasons I love her…

37 Reasons I Love My Wife!

  1. She’s pretty.
  2. She’s funny.
  3. She makes me a better person.
  4. She makes our kids laugh all the time.
  5. She makes our house a home.
  6. She’s always supportive.
  7. She keeps track of our social lives.
  8. She’s a great friend.
  9. She’s a great problem solver.
  10. She’s the most fun person to watch open presents.
  11. She’s hopeful.
  12. She’s kind.
  13. She always has my back.
  14. She relies on God.
  15. She’s a great teacher.
  16. She always considerate of others first.
  17. She’s game to go wherever God calls us.
  18. She lets me watch football.
  19. She challenges me.
  20. She’s my best friend.
  21. She’s a safe place.
  22. She’s Christ-like.
  23. She’s patient.
  24. She laughs with me.
  25. She’s a person of integrity.
  26. She believes in me.
  27. She forgives me.
  28. She loves the church.
  29. She’s a friend of Jesus.
  30. She’s a blessing to others.
  31. She strong where I am weak.
  32. She doesn’t let me win at putt-putt, but that’s ok.
  33. She is a hard worker.
  34. She knows me inside & out, & loves me still.
  35. She may be the best person I know.
  36. Did I mention she’s beautiful?
  37. There’s no one else I’d want to be on this journey through life with than her.

Happy birthday Alisha!  I love you to the moon & back!

(Cheesy post over!)

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