corey trevathan

Happy Birthday Jason…

Today I want to say Happy Birthday to my long time friend Jason Bybee.  I’m so thankful to have this guy in my life as a friend, mentor, co-minister & example of what a man of God looks like.  He’s an incredible father, husband & friend.  We met back in college & that’s where the good times began.  We’ve laughed more together… been through good times & bad.  He’s driven all night to be there for me & I can only hope I’ve been the same friend to him.  We’ve stayed up hours praying.  Made crazy videos for our youth group(s). The best part now is that our kids are the best of friends.  And our wives probably talk more than we do.  I couldn’t be more thankful to have him as a friend & brother.  There was that time our wives tricked us into driving halfway across the country to Colorado for a conference.  (We’ve since forgiven them). There were nights in NICU.  Long drives week after week to Nashville for graduate school.  And so much more.  Over the past 14 years our stories have been woven together & I’m grateful.

Happy birthday my friend.   Now let’s go get some Spam.

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