corey trevathan

Happy Birthday Ella Grace! She’s 7!

Today our daughter sweet Ella Grace turns 7!

I’ll never forget getting to walk into that hospital waiting room seven years ago to announce to friends & family that we had a girl & her name was Ella Grace. Fast forward seven years & she has grown into a beautiful daughter inside & out.

I‘m so proud of Ella Grace. I’m proud of her tender heart, her love for God, her love of dance & worship, the way she loves her brother, her sister & her friends. She is always kind & helpful. She has grown so much this year. I was asking her the other day what she wanted to be when she grows up. Without hesitation she told me she wanted to be a teacher like mom. Of course, I responded with, “You don’t want to work with a church like I do?” She said, “Dad, all you do is sing & talk!” (Insert lead worship & preach/teach). I died laughing. So that’s how she sees things. No doubt, she will make a great teacher one day if she chooses.

When she was born in 2008, I wrote & recorded this song for her. Here are the lyrics. Ella Grace, you are still so beautiful to me. And you always will be. Happy Birthday.

You Are Beautiful – Song for Ella Grace
by Corey Trevathan

You are beautiful to me in so many ways
With a smile that warms up any room
And a glow about your face
I love you more & more with every passing day
I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds for my beautiful Ella Grace

I have always wanted a little girls like you
With brown hair like her mama
And eyes the color blue
But who would ever think that God with give us grace
For your an extraordinary expression of God’s embrace

You are beautiful to me in so many ways
With a smile that warms up any room
And a glow about your face
I love you more & more with every passing day
I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds for my beautiful Ella Grace

Sometimes I think & wonder what will you grow up to be
A dancer like your mother or a singer just like me
Whatever path you choose, whatever you become
You’ll always be my little girl, the one that I adore

You are beautiful to me in so many ways
With a smile that warms up any room
And a glow about your face
I love you more & more with every passing day
I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds for my beautiful Ella Grace

Wearing lace & pretty things
Hair bows & your pink earrings
Playing house & baby dolls
It won’t be long ‘till your big & tall
Until that day comes around I want you to know that I am really proud of you

You are beautiful to me in so many ways
With a smile that warms up any room
And a glow about your face
I love you more & more with every passing day
I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds for my beautiful Ella Grace

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