corey trevathan

Goliath & the Giants We Face

It’s David vs. Goliath!

How many times have you heard someone say something like, “It’s David versus Goliath!”

Whenever we say that, most of the time we’re talking about an underdog story and… just like in the original story, everyone expects Goliath to win.

Maybe you’ve been there.

Maybe you’ve felt like the underdog.

When you were a kid there was more than one time when you had to face adversity and overcome obstacles that seemed larger than life.

And getting older didn’t prove to make things any easier. If anything, the outcomes became more significant in terms of your future.

At every turn it seemed like there was another challenge to face, another decision to make, and you would have to muster up the courage to face whatever Goliath was coming your way that day.

All Kinds of Giants

The truth is, Goliath’s come at us in all shapes and sizes.

Sometimes there are giants in our lives that need to fall. Temptations we need to face, choices we need to own, and decisions we need to make. In the moment, they seem huge and maybe even impossible to overcome.

Then there are other giants that paralyze us in fear. What if we make the wrong choice, what if we take our shot, throw our stone, and miss? What if we choose the wrong college, the wrong career, the wrong direction for our life? What if we fail as parents, what if we fail as a husband, a wife? And what if things don’t turn out like we think they should?

Giants come in all shapes and sizes. And giants like Goliath live to taunt and terrorize us.

Did you know that Goliath came every day for 40 days to taunt and terrorize Israel?

That’s what giants like Goliath do.

Goliath Didn’t Win!

But here’s what I want you to remember, in the original story Goliath didn’t win. In fact, he never stood a chance.

What we too often forget is that David didn’t defeat Goliath that day. And David wasn’t the underdog in the story.

Even as people of faith we retell the story and encourage others to overcome their giants, whatever they are, by trying harder, working harder, and o yea… by having a little more faith.

It’s true, if we’re going to live the abundant life Jesus offers, our giants must fall. But they will never fall by our power alone. And they’ll never fall if we fail to throw our stone.

But we serve a God who is able to defeat any and every giant.

All we have to do is trust Him and throw our stone.

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