corey trevathan

God is GOOD & God is GREAT!

God is…

Can we stop for a minute and talk about how amazing God is?

God is… GOOD. And, God is… GREAT!

God is… Good

First off, God is Good. Like, in every single way. Imagine perfection, purity, everything about His person is Good. That’s Him. That’s who He is. He’s the epitome of goodness, without a hint of darkness or evil. God is Good and God is Always Good. He’s never not been Good.

Now, when we say God is Good, we’re diving deep into His essence. It’s all about His inherent nature—flawless, righteous, and pure. He’s the ultimate Good Father, Good Creator, Good Provider, and Good Shepherd. Everything He does is good because that’s just who He is. God is Good.

God is… Great

But wait, there’s more! God is Good. And… God is Great.

But to say God is Good and that God is Great is to say two distinctively different things. Saying God is Great, well, that takes things to another level. It means He’s unmatched, unparalleled, He is the “Great I Am.”

There is no one like Him and there is no one beside Him. No one comes close to His greatness. He reigns supreme, alone at the top, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Only one can hold that title. Only one can sit on that throne.

So, here’s the deal: God being Good speaks to His character, His nature, while Him being Great speaks to His power and position. He’s not just a part of the story. He IS the story. All of human history is His-Story!

God has revealed Himself to us. He is GOOD and He is GREAT. And that, my friends, is the awe-inspiring God we get to know, love, serve, follow and share.

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