God is For Us

Do you believe it?

God is for us.

Let me say that again, and this time try and take these words in slowly:

God is for us.

Now let me ask you a question: Do you believe that? Really?

We live in a world where the gravitational pull of our lives is away from God.

We’re convinced that if we can make enough money we can take care of ourselves.

We entertain ourselves with viral videos, binge worthy episodes, streaming music and movies filled with content that at best distracts us from what is most important and at worst, tempts us to turn away from what we know is right.

We trade what is ultimately life giving for what gives us immediate relief, satisfaction, or escape. And all of this draws us ever so slowly away from God to a point where we begin to wonder…

Where is God? And if God is there, does he care?

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7ZfKOaeGHs[/embedyt]


The gravitational pull of our lives is often away from God because of the broken world we live and, to be honest, because we’re prone to follow the lead of our sinful nature.

But the gravitational pull of the cross reminds us of the great love of God and is the overwhelming proof that God is, in fact, for us. He has never not been for us. He has always been for us.

And just so you know, as far as God is concerned, there’s nothing that can separate you from His great love for you.

Where is God?

He’s closer than you think.

Does He care?

More than you know!

So what would your life look like if this truth made its way from the pages of scripture into the depths of your heart? What if you believed this truth so deeply that no matter what you were up against, no matter what came against you, no matter the odds, you believed that this is true:

The God of the Universe is for you!

That’s what we want to imagine in the weeks ahead. We want to lean into what life is like when we believe this truth, that our God is for us.

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