How good is God at customer service?

How good is God at customer service?

Recently I’ve been the recipient of some fantastic customer service., who I use to host this blog, really came through for me when a blog post disappeared.  Their customer service is fantastic & they were able to quickly recover my lost post!  Dollar Shave Club came through for me too. Somehow I managed to break the razor handle they provided me with their razors.  I sent an email & within seconds I had a personal response & a new razor was in the mail!  Then about 3 years ago Alisha had bought this Simple Human trash can that we use in our kitchen.  And now when you step on the bar at the bottom the lid is broken & doesn’t lift.  So we called their customer service line & to my surprise, they shipped us a new lid for FREE.  What trash can company provides that kind of customer service!?

This is the reason we all love Chick-Fil-A.  Not only do they provide quality food quickly, but their people couldn’t be nicer or more helpful.  I can’t even recall all the times they’ve helped us with our food while we’re trying to get the kids to the table & everything ready to eat.  They’re just phenomenal servants & great at customer service.

But how about God?  How would you rank Him at customer service?  Does He exceed your expectations?  Is He quick to meet & satisfy your needs?  Are you impressed with the brevity of your wait time when you call?  Does He always come through & do exactly what you want when you want?

Obviously, this is not how God works.  But if we’re honest this is how we think God should work. Sometimes when we pray we think God should answer our way right away.  This is how we wish He worked.  This what often frustrates us most about God. We cry out for his help. And it seems like all we hear are crickets. And maybe sometimes we’re disappointed & frustrated because we’ve got the wrong set of expectations in mind for the God of the universe.

Sometimes we don’t even know what to pray for.  I’ve written about this before.  But if you’re in the middle of the mess, if you’re calling out to God for help, if it seems like God is far away

Here’s what you need to know about God & prayer…

– He’s not worried about tomorrow.
You pray because you’re worried.  You’ve got a problem.  You need divine help.  Divine intervention.  But He sees the whole picture. He’s got it all under control. He’s not far off.  He’s not unaware or unconcerned. He knows all the possible directions tomorrow could go & He’s working in invisible ways for your good & for His ultimate glory.  You can trust Him with your tomorrow & sleep tonight knowing He’s got this. He’s not worried so you shouldn’t be worried either.

– He knows your name.
If God’s so concerned with flowers & sparrows, don’t you know he cares for you.  This is what Jesus said.  He know’s you, how many hairs are on your head, what you’re best at, what you’re worst at, what you think about & what makes you smile. He knows your name & He knows exactly what you need.  He’s a good Father & you can believe He has your best interest at heart.

– He will lead you.
You may be so consumed in the moment you can’t see a way out. God will lead you through it.  All throughout scripture God is leading His people through it.  He led His people, the people of Israel, out of Egyptian captivity & into freedom.  He led them through water on dry ground.  He led them with a cloud by day & a fire by night.  He will lead you too.  He’s a proven leader with a track record of delivering people out of darkness & into light.  You can follow Him & He will show you where to go & what to do next.

Sometimes you may feel like God is non-responsive.  Like He’s far away.  And this is where it’s helpful to remember that God’s presence in your life is a fact, not a feeling.

[Tweet “God’s presence in your life is a fact, not a feeling.”]

If His presence were based on our emotions & how we felt, we would all be in trouble.  But God has promised to be near.

James 4.8, “Come near to God & He will come near to you.”

Psalms 34:18, “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

So count on the truth, the fact of His presence even when you feel far from God.  Even when He seems distant.  Remember, His name is Emmanuel which means – God with us.  That’s who He is.  Yes, sometimes when you pray or call on Him for help you may not receive such great customer service, at least in the way we think about it.  But God’s goal isn’t to win the best customer service award.  He’s got something much grander in mind.  He’s at work to transform you into the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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