corey trevathan

Giants: The bigger they are, the harder they fall


Have you ever heard this saying, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall?”

I’m not sure of the origin of that quote, but it certainly fits when we think about the classic story of David versus Goliath! Goliath was a giant warrior feared by everyone. Well, not every one.

David was a young shepherd boy at the time this Philistine warrior was coming against Israel’s army. David may have been small, but he had a big faith. And he knew something the rest of Israel had seemed to forgotten, giants may rise against the people of God but they will also fall.

That’s exactly what happened when young David, armed only with his faith and a slingshot defeated Goliath in the Valley of Elah some 3000 years ago!

Giants Rise & Giants Fall

What happened in that valley becomes a lens through which we can understand much of David’s life. David is one of the most celebrated characters in all of scripture. But all throughout his life different giants would rise and fall.

Some of those giants needed to fall. Some of those giants were problems that needed to be overcome and could only be overcome by the power of the LORD God Almighty.

From facing Goliath in the valley, to desiring Bathsheba from his rooftop, to doubting the presence of God at times… there were giants in David’s life that needed to fall.

At the same time, there were giants that needed to rise.

David is remembered for his giant faith, for his heart for worship, for his friendship with Jonathan, and for his pursuit of the heart of God.

The same is true for all of us.

There are giants that rise that need to fall. We all have Goliath’s that need to be defeated. Our giants may have different names. They may be called Fear, Cancer, Sin, Greed, Lust, or something else.

And there are giants that have fallen that need to rise. We all need a David like faith, a bigger heart for worship, a greater pursuit of the heart of God, and meaningful friendship.

As we look at the life of David, we see the shepherd boy who became king, the giant slayer who also gave into great temptation, but through it all is remembered as a man after God’s own heart.

As we look at David’s story, we hope to find strength for our journey, faith to defeat our giants, and the same desire to pursue the heart of God.

What did God see in David?

When God first sent Samuel to anoint David, God said… “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”1 Samual 16.7

It makes me wonder, What did God see when he looked at David’s heart? A shepherd boy, a giant killer, a womanizer, a murderer, a warrior king, a worshiper, a song writer, a sinner or a saint?

The truth: He saw it all. And he loved David just the same and called him a man after His own heart.

In the same way, you are beloved by God. He sees it all, and loves you just the same, and calls you to be a man, a woman, after his own heart. Here’s my prayer for you:

May the giants rising against you fall. And a may a giant faith rise within you as you pursue the heart of God today.

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