The Family & Faith

How do we raise our kids to know, love & serve Jesus?  What does it look like…

There’s no doubt about it, God has given parents the primary role & responsibility in leading our kids to Jesus.  It’s not something we can outsource, hope they figure out some other way or ignore.  Should we partner with the local church?  Absolutely!  Can children & student ministry play a part?  You bet!  But as Kenda Creasy Dean says in the book, Almost Christian, after enormous research & study about faith, teenagers & parents… “Parents get what they are religiously.”

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From time to time I’ve written a few thoughts on the idea of faith & family.  I thought it might be helpful to provide links to some of those posts.

At the end of the day, we all want the same thing.  We want our kids to know Jesus, love Jesus & serve Jesus all their days.  We want to experience the new heaven & the new earth with them.  We want our kids to go to heaven.

With that in mind, I hope these thoughts will be helpful to you as you think, pray & work to raise your children to know Christ.


img_32331. MY VISION FOR YOUR FAMILY: 5 things I want to be true of my family & yours
Do you have a vision for your family?  I do. And I’m guessing my vision for your family isn’t that different from your ultimate vision for your family. Here’s what I mean. Even if you haven’t taken time to clearly articulate what you want to be true for your family, you still know deep down what your hopes are for your marriage, for your kids, for your grandkids, & on & on.  The truth is, sometimes it’s helpful to name them.  READ MORE…


img_31712. DOES YOUR FAMILY LOOK LIKE THIS?5 Traits of a family that is building its foundation on Jesus
When I think of families I think of houses. Houses look different. Some are one story, some are 2 stories & some are more. Some have big yards, some have pools, some are on a cul-de-sac. Some are brick, some have siding. Some are tall, some are skinny. Some have had additions or had damage & had to have major repairs or renovations. Every house is different with different features. Every house is different with different needs. But every house has one thing in common. One thing that is necessary for the house to stand – a solid foundation.  READ MORE…


IMG_20363. DADS, TAKE TIME TO DANCE WITH YOUR DAUGHTERS: The 1 thing your kids want from you today
When it comes to your kids, what’s the one thing you won’t do for them?  I feel the same. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my kids. And when you ask your kids what they want from you, it seems like there’s a consistent answer that rises to the top. A theme that takes shape. A common denominator in their requests.  There’s one thing they want more than anything.  READ MORE…


IMG_19584. THE NUMBER 1 SECRET TO EXPERIENCING THE ULTIMATE MARRIAGE: 3 Secrets that have Blessed Our Marriage
I’m so blessed with an incredible wife. If you know Alisha then you know I married up. Most people agree, they like me but they love her!  As I reflect today on our marriage & what has made it work, I thought I would share three secrets that have blessed our marriage. Because when you say, “I do,” you’re not done when it comes to marriage! I hope these will bless you too.  READ MORE…


IMG_1936.JPG5. HOW DO WE USE OUR TIME WELL TO SHAPE OUR CHILDREN INTO LIFETIME FOLLOWERS OF JESUS? 3 ideas to be proactive in the lives of our kids
“When it comes to kids you have more influence than you think & less time than you think.”  With each year, the clock is counting down. Right now, if my math is right, we have approximately 510 weeks with our oldest son Will before he graduates from high school. We have 614 weeks with Ella Grace & 771 weeks with Emma Love. In some ways, that seems like a long time. But I know this time will fly by.  READ MORE…


IMG_1764.JPG6. 10 THINGS I PRAY FOR MY SON: Perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4.18)
God once said of Jesus, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” (Matthew 3.17) As a father I can echo those words today about my son.  I don’t know what God has in store for him, but I have no doubt God will use him in a powerful way in His kingdom. It’s an honor to be his dad, to watch him grow, to teach him, lead him, coach him, correct him, challenge him, inspire him, encourage him, discipline him, love him & watch him become the man God is calling him to be.  As I think about this gift God has given us, here are ten things I pray today & that I pray often for my son.  READ MORE…


IMG_0817.JPG7. 10 THINGS I’VE LEARNED FROM MY DAD: A Father’s Day Tribute
I still remember the day my dad told me to hold the spark plug wires on the lawn mower. We were working on it, trying to get it running so I could finish cutting the grass. He told me to hold the wire while he tried to crank it. He knew what would happen. It shocked me! I thought I’d been hit by lightening. I jumped. He hit the ground laughing. I still haven’t forgiven him for that one.  READ MORE…


Why do our teenagers struggle so much with their faith in God?  It was another one of those Starbucks conversations. I’m sitting on one side of the table. One of our students is sitting on the other side. I’ve been working with students for over 16 years now in ministry & this conversation is all too common. Here’s a student raised in our church, godly parents, baptized, been to camp, mission trips, retreats, etc. And now they’re sitting across the table from me struggling with their faith in God.  READ MORE…

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