Why Everybody Needs a Spock…

Yesterday the news broke that Leonard Nimoy passed away at age 83.

Confession: I loved watching Star Trek growing up.  I once stood in line for over three hours to see one of the new Star Trek movies.  I have a Christmas tree I set up every year decorated completely in Star Trek ornaments.  Ok, I think I’ve embraced myself enough.

Spock has to be one of the all time best characters on TV.  He’s the one Captain Kirk would always look to for logical advice & counsel.  He wasn’t distracted with the emotion of the situation.  He wasn’t concerned with what people might think.  His ideas weren’t cluttered with all the things that make decisions so hard for us humans!  He could look at any situation, weigh out what mattered most, what made the most sense, & be ready to move forward.

I’ve been blessed in my life to have a Spock or two in my life.  I’m very thankful for them.  Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of a situation & not be able to see the facts that are in front of us.  I mean, how many times have you ever done something you later regretted because you didn’t think it through.  You just acted (or reacted) out of sheer emotion in the moment!

To take that emotion away from us would be a tragedy.  It makes us interesting, unpredictable & our story would be rather boring without it.  But it’s also good, especially in those significant moments in our story where we’re considering major decisions, to have a Spock in our life that we can go to for counsel.  Someone who can cut through the clutter & help us see clearly what matters most.

Proverbs 27:9

“The heartfelt counsel of a friend
is as sweet as perfume and incense.”

Is there a major decision in front of you?  Something heavy weighing on your heart & mind?  Are you too close to a situation or would some perspective help you with what you’re dealing with?  Go find Spock!  Find a wise friend you trust & seek their counsel.  God honors this.  Like Captain Kirk & Mr. Spock, we were made for each other.

In his last tweet, Nimoy posted this:

Nimoy Tweet

Make lots of memories with those around you.  And may you “Live Long & Prosper.”