corey trevathan

What to do when you don’t know what to do: Part 2

What do you do when you don’t know what to do next?  Where do you turn?  Where do you find your hope?

As I meet & talk with people on a fairly regular basis about what’s going on in their lives, this is the question many are trying to answer.  And I don’t have the answer.  But I do believe there are some great ways to approach the question & let God & the people of God help us when we’re searching for what we do next.

In an earlier post, I share five ideas about what to do when you don’t know what to do.  Here are five more.  I hope & pray this will be helpful to you on your journey of following Jesus & honoring him in the critical moments of your life when you don’t know exactly what to do next.

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do:

  1. Live life forward & don’t look back on what could’ve been.
    Sometimes when we’re in the middle of a difficult season or a life change, we tend to spend more time looking back than looking forward.  We tend to romanticize the past.  We remember things better than they were.  And the things that maybe weren’t great, we dwell on what could’ve been if… In this way, we’re not much different than the people of Israel who were wandering in the wilderness longing to go back to the good old days of Egyptian captivity!  It’s time to look forward, move forward & press on to whatever is next.  Put all your thought & energy towards the future & what God has in store for you next.[Tweet “Put all your thought & energy towards the future & what God has in store for you next.”]
  2. Don’t forget how the story ends.
    What you’re in the middle of may be incredibly difficult & painful.  But you have hope.  As a follower of Jesus you have unparalleled hope.  Remember, you know how the story ends.  God wins.  He will make all things right & all things new.  So live from that eternal perspective that reminds you how to live in the present.  Whatever you’re going through, God WILL work it all out, somehow, for our good & for His ultimate glory![Tweet “Whatever you’re going through, God WILL work it all out for your good & His ultimate glory!”]
  3. Celebrate the faithfulness of God in big & small ways.
    When you don’t know what else to do, it’s a good time to make a list of all the ways God has been faithful in your past.  Remember & write down the big ways & the small ways He’s been so good, so kind, so present, so constant, so aware, so caring, so providing & on & on in your life.  As you read the psalms, you see this pattern over & over again.  There’s a desperation for God in the present and then there’s the reminder of just how faithful God has been in the past.  This reminder will give you the same hope & confidence for the future, come what may.  When you remember how faithful God has been in the past it will give you confidence for the future.[Tweet “When you remember how faithful God has been in the past it will give you confidence for the future.”]
  4. Remember to come back to Jesus & say thank you.
    How many times has God stepped in on your behalf?  How many times have you prayed for something, then forgot you prayed for it?  How many times have you gotten busy, distracted or otherwise occupied & you simply forgot to come back to the One who carried you through, who heard your prayer & answered, and say, “Thank you.”  Sometimes this happens because it takes time & perspective for us to look back & see how God moved in our situation.  Take time today to come back & say, “Thank you” to Jesus for what He’s done for you.  This habit & attitude of thanks will propel you forward.[Tweet “Take time today to come back & say, “Thank you” to Jesus for what He’s done for you.”]
  5. Write it down – you’ll need to remember this for next time.
    When you finally push through to the other side after days, weeks, months or maybe even years of prayer, waiting & trusting in Jesus, take some time to write down this experience & all the ways God helped you through it.  Chances are you’ll face difficulty again.  And you’ll need this as a reminder that no matter what, God is faithful & He will see you through.[Tweet “Remember, God is faithful & He will see you through.”]

And one more thing, now that you’re through the messy middle, now that this season has passed, look around & do for someone else what someone has done for you. Be a mentor.  Be a friend.  Be an encourager.  Walk with someone through their difficult season.  And remind them of the hope they too have in Christ.


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