corey trevathan

Dads, Take Time to Dance with Your Daughters

When it comes to your kids, what’s the one thing you won’t do for them?

I feel the same.  There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my kids.  And when you ask your kids what they want from you it seems like there’s a consistent answer that rises to the top.  A theme that takes shape.  A common denominator in their requests.

There’s one thing they want more than anything.  It doesn’t matter who the kid is.  It doesn’t even matter who the parent is.  I think this is a universal truth, at least as far as I can tell.  There’s one thing that every kid wants, fights for, longs for, & desires.  It’s the reason they sometimes act up, act out & do things that are otherwise unexplainable.  They’re vying for for it.  Trying to get it.  Making every attempt to divert your eyes to them.  Because what they really, really want, more than anything else, is not your money.  It’s not more stuff.  It’s not anything new & shiny.

What they’re asking for is more precious, more valuable, more sought after & more important than anything you can offer in terms of material things.  No.  What they want most, is simply your time.  Your attention.  Your undivided attention.

[Tweet “What your kids want most from you today is your TIME.”]

It’s ok if you stop reading this now & go be with them.

But you’ll want to come back & watch the video below later.

I was reminded of this simple truth this week.  And of all things, it’s a commercial that made the tears fall from my face!  I know, I’m that guy that cries at Hallmark commercials every Christmas.  But as a dad of two daughters who love to dance this one got to me.  And it reminded me that nothing can take my place in the hearts of my daughters.  Nothing.  No matter what, for better or worse.  I’ll always be their dad!

And what’s more, I’m often reminded that the way my daughters picture their heavenly Father is largely based on how they view me.  So I desperately want to do everything in my power to love them & lead them well.

[Tweet “Our daughters picture of their heavenly Father is largely based on their earthly fathers.”]

This dad gets it right with his daughter. I hope it inspires you to get it right with your daughters as well! All I can say is that last night we may have had a dance party at our house.

[Tweet “Dad’s, take time to dance with your daughters. It matters. Your time matters.”]

Dad’s, take time to dance with your daughters.  It matters.  Your time matters.  How they view you matters.  So take time to dance.

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