corey trevathan

Daddy Daughter Dance

Saturday Night I had the chance to take my girls on a special date night to the Daddy Daughter Dance at their school. Needless to say, they were ecstatic.  And they were beautiful!  With their pink dresses, glittering fingernails, sparkling shoes – the whole nine yards!  It’s one of those moments I don’t want to soon forget.  As a dad, I’m always looking to make special memories with each of my kids.  This is one we’ll cherish for a while.

Me & my two princesses before the ball.

i’m very blessed to have two amazing daughters.  And I look forward every day to watching them grow up & become the beautiful women of God He created them to be.  When they were born, Alisha & I carefully chose names for them that we prayed would help define who they would become.

Ella Grace – meaning Beautiful Grace.  

And Emma Love – meaning Faithful Love.  

Saturday night was another reminder that they are indeed growing into those names.  I can only imagine what the future holds for each of them.  But I am so grateful to be their dad.  The fact that God gave them to us still blows me away.  I’ll be eternally grateful to Him for that.  And I’ll spend my days trying to be a loving father so that they will know the true love of their Heavenly Father.  I realize that their impression of the Heavenly Father is largely dependent on their earthly father.  So I pray that in all things I can love & cherish them well so that they well know they are deeply loved & deeply cherished by God.

So we’ll keep dancing at our house.  And doing all those things that remind them that they are deeply loved & highly valued by us & by their Father.


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