Category: Tech

boundaries technology

Develop External Boundaries, Part 2

Rumble Strips I still remember one night, this was before Alisha & I had kids, we were on a late night road trip driving home. It was after midnight &…

boundaries guardrails

Develop External Boundaries, Part 1

Junk Food, Boundaries & Technology? When I was a kid, I remember the day at school that they taught us about nutrition. They showed us a picture of the food…

Deepen Internal Values

Deepening Internal Values

What does our behavior say about what we value? Last week we started this series on technology at Riverside Church of Christ where I am blessed to preach. One of…

disconnect to connect

Disconnect to Connect

OFF? In 2007 the first iPhone was introduced. Now, a little more than 10 years later, everyone has an iPhone. Or maybe an Android if you’re not at Apple fan….

4 favorite apps

4 Favorite Apps

Every once in a while I think it’s fun to share a few of my favorite apps I’m loving.  I’ve written before about some of my favorite apps.  Here’s 4…

6 Apps That Help in My Ministry & My Personal Spiritual Life

Apps… we all use them.  One of my favorite things to discover are the apps people are using that are most helpful.  So in that spirit, here are my top…