Category: Family

Family Matters: What is IT that matters most?

What is IT that matters most? What is IT that matters most? That’s an important question for us as parents and grandparents to ask and answer, and by the way……

Just As I Am

What’s the best news about the good news? I don’t know about you, but for a long time I thought I had to have it all together BEFORE I came…

3 Ways to Take Care of You

Who’s First? Here’s a parenting question you might not have thought about lately: Are you putting yourself first? You might think… Is that really a parenting question? And you might…

pass it on

Pass It On

Pass It On: What’s Repeated is Remembered I don’t know about you, but there were a lot of things from my own childhood that got repeated that I still remember…



Passion: From Familiarity to Intimacy In a recent book called, Resilient, Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church, Valerie Bell says this… “If our young people are going…


Create a Rhythm: 4 Ways to Make Faith a Part of Your Family Life

Create a Rhythm How many hours will you spend with your kids this year? I know, they’ve got school, you’ve got work, and you all have to sleep at some…



I Love You, Enough My children love to give me, their father, a hard time about the mistakes I’ve made. They don’t do this with their mom, just me! They…


Fight for the Heart of Your Kids

Fight for the Heart How do you create a culture of unconditional love in your family? Here’s something that’s true for every family: Every family fights. Why? Because we’re people….



Filled with Wonder What would happen if our children grew up AMAZED with Jesus and filled with WONDER as they realize just how much their Heavenly Father loves them? I…


What is Most Important to You?

Having vs. Becoming What is more important to you? What your child has or who your child is becoming? I don’t know about you but it is really easy to…