Can You Love God More?

Is it possible for you to love God more?  And if so, how?  The religious leaders in the days of Jesus thought that strict obedience to God equated to your amount of love for God.  So those that obeyed God best loved God most. And those that didn’t?  They were quickly categorized as sinners.  Distant from God.  Unloving & unloved.

The same way of thinking permeates our time as well.  We associate our obedience with how much we love someone. Our performance dictates how well we are loved.  Our ability to do the right things with how people will accept us.  When it comes to God we think when we love God the most is when we obey Him the best.

But when Jesus came & walked the earth he displayed a different truth.  He taught us how to love him more.  How to love much.  However, it didn’t begin with rule keeping.  It didn’t begin with obedience, performance or ability.  It began with our proximity to the One who loved us first, loves us most & loves us perfectly.

I was blessed to preach about this at our church at Campus.  We looked at this incredible story in the life of Jesus found in Luke 7.

Can you love God more?  Is that even the right question to ask?  If you’re curious & want to hear more, you can click on the link below to hear this message!

Special thanks to Lauren Beasley for the Love Much graphic.

LOVE MUCH: November 2, 2014 @ Campus Church