A Beautiful Family…

A few months ago a good friend of ours, Jason Mundie, took some incredible pictures of our family!  I’m so thankful for such a good friend, for such incredible pictures & most of all to God for my incredible family.  I’m blessed beyond measure!

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Ella Grace, Will, & Emma Love

These three had a good time posing for individual pictures.  There may have been some Skittle bribes for smiles, but we’re not above bribery for a good cause!

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These crazy kids & my sweet wife.

I love the beautiful fall leaves in Centennial Park in Atlanta.  It was a great spot to capture these incredible pics.

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We are blessed.

Of course, there were a ton more photos.  These are just a few of my favorites.  I’m so thankful to God for my beautiful wife & my amazing kids.  It’s more than I deserve.  #grateful