Battleship… Change Course

Change Course, 20 Degrees

There’s a story that’s told about two battleships who had been at sea for several days in heavy weather engaging in training maneuvers.

change course

One night after dark the visibility was poor. Not only was it dark, but it there was a dense fog.

A watchman on the wing of the bridge reported to the Captain, “Light, bearing on the starboard bow.”

The Captain asked, “Is it steady or moving astern?”

The lookout replied, “Steady, Captain.” That meant that they were on a collision course with that ship.

The captain told the signalman to send this message, “We are on a collision course, advise you change course 20 degrees.”

Back came the reply, “Advisable for you to change your course 20 degrees.”

The Captain responded, “I’m a Captain, change your course 20 degrees.”

“I’m a seaman, second class,” came the reply back, “You had better change course 20 degrees.”

As you can imagine, the Captain was furious. He told his signalman to send this message, “I’m a battleship. Change your course 20 degrees.”

Back came this response, “I’m a lighthouse.”

The Captain changed course.


Do you need to change direction?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes the way forward seems unclear. Maybe now more than ever it feels like we’re trying to make our way in the dark, in the middle of dense fog, with no real idea about what’s in front of us.

The future is unclear to say the least. None of us know what tomorrow holds. Truth be told, we never did. But sometimes, like the Captain of that battleship, we think we know. In fact, sometimes we’re so certain even when we’re so wrong.

The good news is that we, too, have a Lighthouse signaling the WAY forward for us. But we have to be willing to see the Light, follow the Light, and make a change in the direction of our lives when necessary so we don’t end up in a head on collision!

Sometimes, this means making a small change in direction. Maybe just 1 or 2 degrees. Maybe 20 degrees. But making this course correction is the only way that leads to life.

The Light of the World

Jesus once famously said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light that leads to life.” – John 8.12

Like a ship at sea that depends on the light from the lighthouse in the darkness of night, surrounded by fog with little to no visibility to know which way to go, when we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Light of the World, we’ll always know what direction we need to move in that leads to life.

And by the way, in case you’re not sure what direction Jesus is pointing you toward, He almost always points us in the direction of serving others.

His life was focused on serving others and loving others with sacrificial love. Even in His death, as He literally laid down His life for others, He taught us that dying for others does not end in death, but life. And not just life, resurrection life. Real life.

A lot of people are living but not really living. The only way to experience real life is found in laying down your life for the sake of someone else.

For a lot of us, it’s a 20 degree shift. It’s the difference between focusing solely on ourselves and taking time to focus on serving others.

May you find a way today to serve those around you in love. And when you do, as you do, may you remember the reason you serve those around you in love is Jesus.

He is the light of the world. He is the light that leads to life. Follow him by serving those around you in love today.

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