All Things New

Hope. It’s one of the things that separates us as those who follow Jesus from the rest of the world.  We have unparalleled hope.  Because we believe & we proclaim that Jesus has come & He is coming again.  We know that right now we live in the space between.  Between when Jesus came & the Light of the world set foot on the earth He created.  And the time when He will come again & we will meet Him in the clouds.  We face tragedy, hardship, struggles, you name it.  We are not exempt from the brokenness of this world caused by sin.  But we have a peace about us.  A hope.  So come what may in this life… we are clinging to & holding on to great hope.  That one day soon Christ will return & make all things right.  He will make all things new.

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Graphic cred to Lauren Beasley.