advent peace

Advent: Unparalleled Peace

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1.14


I’m sure Joseph & Mary had all the normal worries & concerns new parents have.  Maybe more.  But don’t you also think they had an unparalleled sense of peace.  Courage.  Faith.  Hope.  Just the fundamental knowledge that they were going to be ok come what may because God in the flesh was literally with them.  And this is the transforming faith we too should have who no longer have to wait for a Savior.  This too is the peace & the courage & the faith we should live with as people who believe & follow Messiah Jesus.  For God is with us too!  Literally.  God is with you.  This is the whole Gospel.  Sin causes a division, a separation so real & so eternal that it fully & finally separates you from the Holy God.  But that gap was more than God our Father could bare.  That distance was more than He could stomach.  So He made a way for you when there was no way.  You couldn’t be with Him unless He came & made a way to be with you.  So God wrapped himself in human flesh & came.  This is the hope that we have.  That God is with us now in Jesus Christ. So walk in courage, in faith & in hope.

[Tweet “God is with us now in Jesus Christ. So walk in courage, in faith & in hope.”]


Abba Father, Thank you for becoming one of us, for dwelling among us.  In Jesus we are reminded of your great love for us.  That no distance could separate us from Your great love for us.  Not even the distance between the majesty of Your Heavens & the humble stable in Bethlehem.  Not even the distance between Your Holy presence & the distance created because of our sin.  You have always bridged the greatest gaps.  We say thank you.  For grace.  For forgiveness.  For Jesus.


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