corey trevathan

Advent: The Day God was Born

“She gave birth to her first child, a son.  She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth & laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them.” Luke 2.7


Jesus is born.  In complete poverty He enters the world He created.  With no room to stay He enters in a manger.  He comes in the simplest of ways, with the simplest of means.  The greatest story ever told begins in the most unusual of ways.  The Savior of the world enters through an obscure town, in an obscure place, without any attention or fuss.  Crowds weren’t clamoring.  The waiting room wasn’t full of people.  No one even knew what was happening in the barn behind the inn.  No one was aware.  Maybe no one cared.  But there, in the middle of the night in the shambles of a stable, God entered the world as Mary gave birth & Joseph attended to her needs.  And because He came we can come.  Because He arrived we can enter into the presence of a Holy God.  And there, in His presence, we can find grace & healing in our time of need.

[Tweet “Because He came we can come. Because He arrived we can enter into the presence of a Holy God. “]


Abba Father, Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus.  Some 2000 years ago He humbly entered the world He created.  He came near to us so that we might draw near to You.  So we draw near to You now.  We pray for your mercy over our lives.  We seek Your grace & Your healing in the light of Your presence.  We seek to know You more & to be close to You.  Yes Jesus.


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