corey trevathan

Advent: God with us

advent God with us

advent God with us

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).  Matthew 1.23


Behold, Immanuel. God with us.

The distance created between us & God as a result of our sin was too much for God.  And there was nothing we could do to bridge the gap.  The only way to fully & finally restore the relationship that we broke was for God to take the initiative.  God himself had to make a way if we were to return to relationship with Him.  How?  By sending His Son.  His very name demonstrates God’s earnest desire & His ultimate plan.  Immanuel.  God with us.  What was broken is now restored.  What went wrong God is making right.  We could never make our way back to God, but He has made His way to us through His Son. Immanuel.  God with us.

[Tweet ” His very name demonstrates God’s earnest desire & His ultimate plan. Immanuel. God with us.”]


Abba Father, thank You for sending Your one & only Son to us.  To become one of us so we could behold Him.  Through Jesus, you have made a way for us to be in relationship with you.  Through Jesus we are forgiven.  Through Jesus, we are never alone.  He is Immanuel.  God with us.   For this, we are eternally grateful.

May Jesus be ever present in my life today.


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