corey trevathan

Advent: God & the Problem of Distance

“…through Christ (God) reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation…” 2 Corinthians 5:18


Distance is hard. Sometimes we feel distant from people geographically. And that’s one thing. But have you ever felt distance from someone who’s in the same room? Sometimes we feel distant from people & sometimes we feel distant from God. And anytime there is distance between you & another person there is inherently distance between you & God. Because God is a God of nearness. He can’t stand to be separated from you or to see you separated from others. In the distance we find the reason for Christmas. The distance between us was more than God could bare. So God came near. He came near to make things right between us & Him & between us & each other. And He invites us to participate in the story of Christmas by joining Him in this ministry of reconciliation.

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Abba Father, Thank you for coming near. Help me today to draw near to you & to draw near to others. Help me today to make things right with you. Forgive me. Grant me yet another second chance with you. And help me make things right with others. May I follow your example in closing any gap where there is distance between me and another person. Thank you for Jesus who continues to travel any distance to reach us.


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