corey trevathan

Advent: God is with you now

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16


What would you do today if you believed the God of the Bible was with you?  What would you do?  How would you live?  What next step would you take?  Where would you go?  What would happen in your life if you literally believed that the God of the Bible was with you?  Here’s what I want for you & for me.  I want us to live like the God of the Bible is with us.  Not far from us.  Not distant.  Not unconcerned.  Not oblivious to what we’re doing, thinking or feeling.  Today, look.  Your Father is near.  He’s right here.  Let all fear disappear as you remember God is with you today.  He goes before you & he comes behind.  This is the Gospel.  God is with us.  Yahweh Saves!  Take courage.  Take heart.  This is the story of Christmas, the story of Grace.  God has come near.  He is with you.

[Tweet “Your Father is near. Let all fear disappear as you remember God is with you now.”]


Abba Father, My I live today in humility & faith believing You are with me.  May this confidence give me the courage to speak up for what’s right, to forgive as you have forgiven me, to step out in faith & to live without fear.  For You are with me.  What amazing grace, that You would walk with me.  May I take this good news & share it with the world this Christmas. That You, O God, are a God who comes near.  Thank You Jesus.


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