corey trevathan

A Giant Heart for Worship

Lost in Worship

What would it take for you to loose yourself in worship?

Have you ever had that moment when one of your favorite worship songs was playing in the car and your on the road all by yourself singing along at the top of your lungs. Then you stop at a red light, you’re still worshiping with all you’ve got. Then you look over and realize the people in the car beside you are staring at you. And they’re wondering… “Are you ok?!”

You’ve probably done that or you’ve been in the car next to someone who’s done something like that and it can be a little embarrassing.

It’s not embarrassing to lose yourself in celebration when your team scores or wins the big game.

It’s not embarrassing to become emotional when your watching an epic movie and tragedy strikes a beloved character in the story.

It’s not embarrassing to jump and scream and dance around when friends announce their getting married, or having a baby, or something like that.

But, to lose yourself in worship, to be overcome with emotion in a holy moment, jump and dance before the Lord God almighty… for whatever reason, we live in a world where that’s different.

It’s unusual.

And if you get lost in worship and someone sees you get lost in worship, it can even be a little… embarrassing.

David was Undone

I’m sure David was undone on more than one occasion in private worship before the LORD God Almighty.

But there was at least one moment when he lost it in public and people noticed.

In 2 Samuel 6 we read about this moment where David is bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.

The Ark of the Covenant represented the presence of God with the people of God. This was a significant moment in Israel’s history and in David’s reign as king.

Listen to what happens…

After the men who were carrying the Ark of the Lord had gone six steps, David sacrificed a bull and a fattened calf. And David danced before the Lord with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns.
2 Samuel 6.13-15

Maybe David was known as the one who defeated the giant called Goliath, but he was also known for his giant heart for worship.

From the songs he wrote to the ones he sang to the ones he danced to not caring for a moment who was watching, David was a worshiper in every sense of the word.

And on one particular day, David danced before the Lord in worship. He lost himself in worship.


Because, David was fully aware that the presence of God was present with Him. God’s presence was felt, it was personal, He was present. And David didn’t care who was watching.

Worship Rising

Worship was rising in Israel as worship was rising in David’s heart. This is what happens when the presence of God is present with us.

So what would it take for you to loose yourself in worship? What would it be like for you to become undone before God?

Maybe today you need to get lost in worship, sing a song of praise at the top of your lungs and not even care who’s watching. Maybe today, like David, you can pray…

“How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you. We have never even heard of another God like you!”2 Samuel 7.22

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