What Does a Jesus Centered Life Look Like?


What does life look like with Jesus at the center?

As you begin this new year my guess is that you want some things to be different this year than they were last year.

Someone once said that a goal without a plan is just a wish. And… they may be on to something.

If living a Jesus centered life is something you’re interested in, chances are it won’t just happen. It takes time, thought, and intentionality to live with Jesus at the center.

The temptation will be to make a list of things you want to do and put Jesus at the top of that list.

And don’t get me wrong, beginning each day with scripture and prayer could be the single most important thing you do. If you just decided to pick up your Bible BEFORE you picked up your phone each day this year, you might just experience the single greatest year of spiritual growth of your life.

But, if spending time with Jesus is something you check off your list each day, you’re missing the greatest invitation extended to humanity, the opportunity to do life with God. With Jesus at the Center of every facet of your life.


So what does a Jesus centered life look like?
It may be easier to first identify what life looks like when Jesus is not at the center.


An Uncentered/De-Centered life might look like this…

  1. You often feel like you’re spinning out of control.
  2. More often than not you would describe your life as constant chaos, not abiding peace
  3. You feel worried and afraid about the past, the present, or the future. You’re not sure if you have faith. Or enough faith.
  4. In fact, your life is often dominated by stress, anxiety, fear.
  5. You might think that you’re pulled away from Faith, Hope, and Love
  6. And because of that you feel lonely and isolated.


But A Life Centered on Jesus might look like this:

  1. You’re able to experience calm and might even be described as someone who has Non-anxious presence, even when life gets crazy.
  2. In fact, you can be at peace inside and out no matter the circumstances around you.
  3. You are drawn to deeper faith, hope, and love
  4. You find that you are Open to others, welcoming, and hospitable
  5. And through your time over time spent centering your life on Jesus, the Fruit of the Spirit is being cultivated within you.

How do you put Jesus at the center of your life?

There’s more than one way to practice His presence. But what is central is allowing Jesus, even inviting Him, into every part of your life, every moment of your life, and learning to trust Him.

Here’s the good news, it’s impossible to fail at this. Any attempt you make to place Jesus at the center of your life will be met with an immediate YES by the One who gave His life so you could experience the abundant life.

Why not try it today?

Invite Jesus into the center of your life.

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