5 things I’m thankful for this year that I didn’t know about last year

Happy Thanksgiving Day Everyone!

As I think about what I’m thankful for this year, it’s a lot of the same things I’m thankful for every year.  So, I decided to think about it this way… What are 5 things I’m thankful for this year that I didn’t know about last year?  Here’s my list!

5 things I’m thankful for this year that I didn’t know about last year:

1 :: Texas Barbecue
Everyone told me barbecue was different in Texas & they were right.  I have not been disappointed yet & I’m sure I haven’t tapped into the best Texas has to offer.  Beef & Pork!

2 :: My Faith Family at Riverside
If you had told us a year ago at this time that we would be living in Texas a year later, I would have told you that you were crazy.  It was about a year ago when we first started sensing God was leading us to a new season of life & ministry, but we had no idea what that meant or where that meant!  A year later I couldn’t be more thankful that God has brought us to serve side by side with the wonderful faith family at Riverside Church.  They have loved us, prayed for us, helped us, provided for us, befriended us & allowed us the opportunity to step into their lives as we all follow Jesus together.  We are blessed.

3 :: How Our Faith Family at Campus Launched Us
At the same time, I couldn’t be more thankful for how our students, friends, partners in ministry & everyone who was a part of our faith family at Campus in Norcross, GA encouraged us & launched into this new season of ministry.  Leaving was difficult.  It always is.  But these faithful people affirmed our calling to step into this new season of ministry & we will be forever grateful.

4 :: How Brave My Wife & Kids Are
Starting over at a new school, making new friends, walking into a new church, leaving everything you’ve ever known, & being the preacher’s kids at the same time!!! That’s no small thing.  We have prayed & prayed for our kids through this transition & they have been so brave.  I’ve told them often how proud I am of them.  I’m thankful for their tender hearts & for their willingness to go on this adventure with us.  And Alisha has been so strong for our family through this transition.  I’m forever grateful to God for her!

5 :: The Wise Voices & Mentors I Have in My Life
This past year has made me keenly aware of something I had almost forgotten & I’m sure I’ve taken for granted.  I’m incredibly blessed to have many wise voices, friends & mentors in my life.  These mighty men & women have spoken incredible wisdom into my life over the years, & in particular, this past year as we made some major decisions.  I’m so thankful for each & every one of them.  I’m blessed beyond measure to have so many spiritual giants in my life & in my corner.

So what are you thankful for this year that you didn’t know about last year?  I’d love to hear your list!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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