6 Apps That Help in My Ministry & My Personal Spiritual Life

Apps… we all use them.  One of my favorite things to discover are the apps people are using that are most helpful.  So in that spirit, here are my top 6 apps that I use almost daily.  They help me in my personal spiritual life & in my ministry in different ways.  Almost all of these are FREE apps.   I hope that you will find that they are helpful too.

*Disclaimer: I’m an apple user.  So I know these are all available in the app store.  I think most are available for other OS too.

6 Apps That Help in My Ministry & My Personal Spiritual Life

  1. YouVersion Bible App
    youversionIf you don’t know about this app yet, download it now!  It’s my favorite Bible app.  Simple, clean, easy to ready & listen to!  That’s right!  You can open up to any passage of scripture & it will read it to you, so you can just listen!  It’s great for when you’re on the road or taking a walk.  Plus, you can open it up in church, highlight your favorite verses & make notes for later.  Put it on all your devices & you’ll have the Bible with you everywhere all the time!  And by the way, the YouVersion Bible App for kids is absolutely awesome too!
  2. Typorama
    TyporamaI love this app.  I use this to quickly create stunning graphics with beautiful typography.  And I can do it all in a matter of seconds thanks to this app.  Almost every morning I’ll post a verse from my morning reading to Instagram.  (You can follow me here!)  With this app I’m able to do it in seconds & encourage others with a verse from scripture that has encouraged me.  This is just one of many ways you can use & enjoy this app.  This app isn’t free, but it’s so worth it!  By the way, this is the same app I use to quickly create almost all my blog graphics!
  3. Buffer
    bufferConfession… I’m not great at posting lots of things on social media every day.  Maybe I’m too busy or I just don’t think to do it.  What I can do is sit down & think of several things I want to post throughout the week.  I try to use my social media platforms to encourage people.  So I’ll take a few minutes & use the buffer app to take those ideas & schedule them to be posted throughout the week.  So now you know my secret!  It’s incredibly easy & buffer is super good at doing this for me.
  4. Overcast
    overcastDo you listen to podcast?  If so, this is a must have app.  I listen to a lot of different things.  Leadership podcasts, sermon podcasts, tech podcasts.  Here’s what Overcast does for me that I love… 2 things: 1. I can listen to a podcast at 1.5x or 2x the normal speed.  So I can listen to more, faster.  You’ll be amazed what your brain can take in & understand.  This enables me to take in a whole lot more content in a short amount of time.  2. Overcast allows you to see the show notes inside the app.  So you don’t have to go searching for the show notes on a website later or the links mentioned in the podcast.  Overcast is a must have app if you listen to podcasts.
  5. Runkeeper
    runkeeperA couple of years ago I got into running.  After finally completing that couch to 5k app after numerous attempts, I moved on to Runkeeper.  It’s easy to use, tracks everything I could want (even the mileage on my shoes!) & helps me track my progress.  I use this app every week & it’s great!  I’m sure there are other great exercise apps, but this is the one I use & love.
  6. Evernote
    evernoteOk, I saved the best for last!  Evernote is my digital brain.  I use it all day every day for everything.  It’s my to do list, my file for important things, my digital journal, my notes for all my sermons, everything.  And you can clip things from the web directly to it!  So I clip articles I need to read or re-read or save for later, blog post, sermon illustrations, even recipes.  It does it all.  And you can share notebooks which is incredibly helpful.  So I share a notebook with my wife that contains important family info, you know the kind you need when you’re at the doctor’s office & you can’t remember your kids social security number?  Yep, all that is in Evernote.  And it’s across all my devices.  It’s by far my favorite app & I could & should write a dedicated blog post for all the ways I use it.  I even use it to back up this blog!  It’s simply fantastic.  If you don’t have it, get it!  I’m a fan.

OK, so there’s a few of my TOP APPS!  What apps are at the top of your list?  I’d love to hear what apps you use on a regular basis that you love!  Please share in the comments below!  Thanks!


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