4 Reasons People Give

Why do we give?

Specifically, why do we give to church?

I believe there are 4 reasons people give.

You will probably resonate with one of the first 3 reasons, but the 4th reason I share may be the most important so make sure you stay with me to the end and let me know what you think.

For more than 2000 years Christians have practiced sacrificial giving and living generous lives. In fact, as you read the story of the first church in Acts and as you read through many of Paul’s letters to early churches, you’ll see this over and over again.

Followers of Jesus were people of uncommon generosity. They understood that everything comes from God and that we are stewards of what God has given us. And in God’s economy, the way we steward our money and possessions is a direct reflection of our faith and our dependance on God.

Fast forward some 2000 years and Christians are still some of the most generous people on the planet. But why? Why do we give? And why do we give to our local church?

4 Reasons People Give to Church

#1: Obedience.

FIRST: Many Christians give out of a sense of OBEDIENCE. In the Old Testament the standard for giving was 10%. The people of God were to give the first 10%, the first fruits of their labor, to God. Give the first 10% to God and live on the 90%.

It’s counterintuitive, it’s counter cultural. But by giving a portion of what we’ve received from God back to God, we declare our dependance on God and we demonstrate that everything we have received comes not from our own effort, but it is a gift from God.

In the New Testament, there is no command to give 10%, or any percentage of our income. Jesus taught that giving is a matter of the heart. And the example of the early church shows us what it looks like to live and give generously.

Maybe you give out of obedience. Or maybe you give for another reason.

#2: Need.

The SECOND reason many Christians give is because there is a NEED. You see this over and over again in the life of the early church. They often gave to the poor, sold their possessions to provide for those in need, and shared everything they had with those who were a part of the community of faith. And you see this in the church today.

Whenever there is a clear need presented, the church rises to meet that need. We do that to relieve suffering and to help the hurting. Sometimes we do that together when there is a major need, but many times this happens as church members give to help each other, or to help with smaller, specific needs as they arise.

Maybe you give because you want to help provide for a need, or maybe you give because of this.

#3: Vision.

The THIRD reason Christians give is because there is a compelling VISION. If we come together and we give together, we could accomplish something bigger than we could do on our own.

One of the most successful capital campaigns in all of scripture happened when Israel prepared to build the first tabernacle. They were so excited to build a place of worship for the Living God that they didn’t just fund the vision, they over-funded the vision! (Exodus 36.6-7)

The same thing happens in churches today when a compelling vision of what could be is shared with the church and the church catches the vision of what can happen when we come together and give.

All of those reasons are important. And my guess is that the reason you give may line up with one of those reasons, but this FOURTH reason may be the most important.

#4. Identity.

The Barna Research group recently released what they called, The Giving Landscape. In it they surveyed more than 2000 people and part of what they wanted to find out is WHY people give. This may surprise you, but I think it’s so true.

They found that the number 1 reason people give is because it’s WHO they are! (I give because of who I am (77%). Which I think is really interesting.

Why do you give?


Do you think of yourself as a generous person? Are you a giver?

Or are you more concerned with holding on to what you have?

Our Father is the Giver of every good and perfect gift. If we give out of a sense of our identity, because of who we are, then we reflect our true identity as sons and daughters of God.

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