3 Ways to Take Care of You

Who’s First?

Here’s a parenting question you might not have thought about lately:

Are you putting yourself first?

You might think… Is that really a parenting question?

And you might also wonder… Is that a trick question?

It’s not a trick question and it is a parenting question.

Many of us might say, “No, we put ourselves last. We try to put God first, but when it comes to our kids, we always want to make sure their needs are met ahead of our own. That’s what it means to be a good father, a good mother, right?”

But what if it’s the other way around?

What if in order to be the kind of father you want to be, in order to be the kind of mother you want to be, you have to put yourself first?

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpqStrWbzDc[/embedyt]

Here’s what happens to so many of us who are knee deep in raising kids… we gladly and willingly sacrifice so much for our kids.

And while that is certainly admirable, there’s a sense in which if you don’t take care of yourself, then you won’t be able to take care of your kids.

In fact, there’s a crucial link between your ability to parent and your personal growth.

It’s counter intuitive, but if you take time for yourself, you’ll have time for your kids. If you make your personal growth a priority, you’ll have the ability to be present with your kids. And if you make your faith personal, then you’ll show your kids what it looks like for someone they look up to to seek God.

How do you do this?


Parenting inherently means we’re always giving of ourselves to our kids. So if we want to make sure we have something of ourselves to give them, then we have to make sure we also have deposits coming in.

We have to make sure we are being filled, we are being poured into, we are receiving so we have something to give. Otherwise, we’ll find ourselves trying to do what we do at a deficit.

You’ve probably felt this way before. Maybe you feel this way right now. Like you’re running on empty, like you’ve got nothing left to give, like your battery is drained and in desperate need of being recharged!

If that’s you, and if it’s not you now it will be you at some point, can I suggest 3 ways you can take care of yourself so you can take care of those you love?

3 Ways

3 Ways You Can Take Care of YOU SO that You Can Take Care of THEM:

1st: Make your faith personal.

There’s simply no shortcut to faith, no substitute for taking time every day to read scripture, pray, and spend time with God. And if you do this every day you’ll experience God renewing your heart and soul in ways you can’t explain or imagine.

2nd:Make time for friends who fill your cup.

It’s so easy as a parent to get separated and isolated from friends. One day you might wake up and wonder what happened and why you feel so alone. It takes a little effort, but take time to connect with people who are life giving for you, with friends who make you laugh, with people who care about you and know you care about them.

3rd: Do Something Physical Just for You

And last – Go for a walk, a run, do something for 20 minutes or more that’s just for you. It’s amazing how a little physical exercise can clear your head, change your perspective, improve your mood, and reduce your stress. Here’s the thing, if you don’t take care of you, then you can’t take care of those you care the most about!

Take Care of You

So it’s ok, take a few minutes to take care of yourself today. Your family will thank you. Your friends will be glad to hear from you. And your God who loves you more than you could possibly know will renew your strength.

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