virtue make a difference

3 Virtues of Faith-Filled Difference Makers

Make a Difference

Do you want to make a difference? Do you want your life to count for something? Do you want to be remembered as someone who, by the way they lived, left an indelible mark on the lives of others?

I know I do. Not because I’m hoping for fame or looking for personal glory. Not at all. I just want to live my life in such a way that others are blessed, encouraged, challenged, and changed for the better. Ultimately, I want my life to point others to One who changed my life. Jesus.

Standing in the Gap

I can’t help but think of all the people who have made a difference in my life. In almost every case, they are people who loved Jesus first and their love for Jesus changed the way they lived. I’ve been blessed with many people who have made a lasting impact on my life. From my parents to different people in the church who loved me, taught me, and showed me how to live differently.

There was that one time I was injured playing tackle football on the jr. high retreat and a deacon in our church drove me to the hospital that was over an hour away.

Then there was the time as an intern I took things a little to far and had to be called in to meet with the elders. They were gracious and kind.

There was the meeting at a Cracker Barrel with men who would offer me my first job to serve a youth minister with an incredible church. They were the same ones who would help me every day be and become the minister I am today.

There were those who coached me up, helped me along, pointed me in the right direction, and made me look better than I was. All along the way, there have been so many people who have stood in the gap for me and made an incredible difference in my life!

The 3 Virtues

In order for our lives to make a lasting difference, I believe there are at least three virtues that are necessary.

1. Orienting your life toward greater purpose and higher power.

As a follower of Jesus I want my life to point others to Jesus. I don’t always do this well or get this right. But everyday I want to begin with Jesus. I do this mostly through contemplative practice. Through silence, or reading scripture. Through prayer, worship or some combination of those things that deepens my inner life, quiets my soul, and allows my spirit room to move into that space where the Spirit of Jesus is present.

Remembering that there is more to this life than what the world has to offer is important. We get too caught up in things that have no eternal significance. Spending time each day with Jesus in humility and faith has a way of reminding us that there is more to this life. We are here for a greater purpose than to make much of ourselves. We are called to love each other in everyday ordinary ways with the love of Jesus.

2. Knowing when to put yourself first, second, and last.

I was raised by learning that joy was an acronym. J = Jesus first. O = Others second. Y = Yourself last. I tried to live that way for a long time. Then I realized it didn’t always work.

If you never put yourself first, if you never take care of yourself, you’ll have very little to give to God or to others. If you always put yourself first, you may not be much use to God or to others. If you always put others first, then you’ve given people permanent priority over God. You would think that putting God first would always work out. But years of neglecting yourself for prayer and Bible reading ignore that God created us as physical, emotional, and spiritual people. Sometimes 30 minutes of exercise or taking a nap is the most spiritual thing you can do. Because taking care of yourself mentally and physically feeds your soul.

It’s the wisdom to know when to put yourself first, second, or last that really opens the door for you then to be able to make a difference in the lives of others and to be a difference maker in the Kingdom of God.

3. Being willing to move when everyone else is standing still.

People are paralyzed for all sorts of reasons. Fear may be the most popular. People are scared of a million little things. Whenever that happens, whenever people become afraid, they often freeze.

It’s hard to make a difference when you’re standing still. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is to make a move, even if it’s the wrong one! You can always course correct but if you never make a move you’ll never make a difference.

One of my favorite stories is about the day Jonathan, the son of King Saul, made a move when the entire army along with his own father camped out in the shade of a pomegranate tree. Jonathan didn’t know if he was doing the right thing but he felt he had to do something. Difference makers aren’t afraid to make a move. Or maybe they are, but they find the courage to make a move anyway. And when they do, they make a difference.

Change a Life, Change the World

So what’s holding you up from living your life in such a way that you’ll make a difference? You don’t have to change the world, but you can change the life of someone in this world. And maybe, just maybe, if we all did small things that made a difference, maybe that would turn into something really big.

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

– Mother Teresa

Use Me

Here’s what I know, we serve a big God who will use us in big ways and small ways to make a difference in the lives of others. Here’s what I pray almost every day, “God, use me today for the benefit of your church, for the spread of your gospel, and for the glory of your great name.” I don’t know how that always works out but I always want to be available to God moving in my life for the benefit of others, for the benefit of his church, his gospel, and his glory.

How can you make a difference in the life of someone else today?